To test and replace a Samsung gas dryer igniter, check for damage visually, perform a continuity test, and replace it if there’s no continuity to restore proper heating. Always prioritize safety during the process.

Replacing the igniter in a Samsung gas dryer is a crucial maintenance task that ensures your dryer operates efficiently and effectively. The igniter plays a pivotal role in igniting the gas, generating the necessary heat for drying clothes. Over time, igniters can wear out or become damaged, leading to heating issues in your dryer. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of diagnosing and replacing a faulty igniter in your Samsung gas dryer, helping you restore its performance and functionality.

What Is The Importance Of A Gas Dryer Iginator?

The gas dryer ignitor plays a crucial role in the operation of a gas-powered dryer. Its importance can be summarized as follows:

  1. Igniting the Gas: The primary function of the ignitor is to ignite the gas that’s released into the dryer’s combustion chamber. When you start a drying cycle, the gas valve opens, and the ignitor emits a hot glow or spark. This ignites the gas, creating the necessary heat for drying clothes.
  2. Efficient Drying: An operational ignitor ensures efficient drying. If the ignitor is faulty or not working correctly, the gas won’t ignite, and the dryer won’t generate heat. As a result, your clothes won’t dry properly or may take much longer to dry.
  3. Energy Efficiency: A functioning ignitor contributes to energy efficiency. When the gas ignites promptly, the dryer reaches the desired temperature more quickly, which can help reduce energy consumption and utility costs.
  4. Consistency: The ignitor helps maintain consistent drying temperatures. Inconsistent heating can lead to uneven drying, with some clothes remaining damp while others become overly dry.
  5. Safety: A properly functioning ignitor is essential for safety. It ensures that the gas is ignited as designed and prevents the buildup of unburned gas in the dryer. This helps reduce the risk of gas leaks and potential hazards.
  6. Longevity of the Dryer: Regular maintenance and timely replacement of a faulty ignitor can extend the lifespan of your gas dryer. Neglecting to address ignitor issues could lead to more significant problems within the appliance.

Replacement Of Gas Dryer Igniter

You’ll need a Phillips and a flat-blade screwdriver. The igniter lights up the gas produced by the dryer’s gas valve. If your dryer doesn’t heat, the igniter should be checked and replaced if needed. Most of the time, you can visually establish if the igniter is bad, but a continuity test will give you the most accurate result.

Step 1: Gather Tools and Identify the Igniter

  • Gather the necessary tools: Phillips and flat-blade screwdrivers.
  • Check the igniter component included in the package.
  • Understand the role of the igniter in the dryer’s operation.

Step 2: Preparation and Safety

  • Emphasize the importance of safety: unplugging the dryer and turning off circuit breakers.

Step 3: Remove the Top Panel

Removing dryer top panel
Removing the dryer top panel
  • Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove two screws securing the top panel.
  • Slide the top panel back and lift it off.

Step 4: Free the Main Control Board

Removing parts from control board
The control board removed from the dryer
  • Remove three Phillips screws to release the main control board.
  • Slide the board off and disconnect the wires.

Step 5: Remove Control Panels

Step 6: Detach the Front Panel

  • Remove two Phillips screws from the bottom.
  • Unfasten four Phillips screws holding the front panel at the top.
  • Lift up the panel, close the door, and disconnect the door switch plug.
  • Tilt the panel forward and remove it from the bottom hinges.

Step 7: Remove the Top Mounting Bracket

  • Undo four Phillips screws securing the top mounting bracket.
  • Unplug the wire connector for the light bulb.
  • Free the wire harness and set it aside.

Step 8: Prepare for Wire Harness Installation

  • Secure wire harness holders at various points.
  • Connect the plug to the light bulb socket.

Step 9: Reinstall the Top Mounting Bracket

  • Insert the four tabs on each side into the cabinet cutouts.
  • Secure the bracket with four Phillips screws.

Step 10: Reattach the Front Panel

  • Align the front panel’s cutouts with the bottom hinges.
  • Close the door, reinsert the door switch plug, and secure the panel on the top tabs.
  • Fasten the front panel with four Phillips screws and reattach it to the mounting bracket.

Step 11: Reinstall Control Panels

  • Bring in the control panel, ensuring it fits properly.
  • Reconnect the two plugs.
  • Secure the control panel with three Phillips screws.

Step 12: Reinstall Control Boards

  • Route the wire harness into clamps and secure it.
  • Reattach the control boards with three Phillips screws.

Step 13: Replace the Top Panel

  • Position the top panel about an inch away from the control panel.
  • Slide the top panel forward and secure it with two Phillips screws.

Step 14: Plug In the Dryer and Test

  • Plug the dryer back in.
  • Verify if the dryer is heating properly.

How To Test The Gas Dryer Ignitor?

Reassembling dryer igniter
Inspecting Gas dryer igniter

Step 1: Visual Inspection: Check the igniter’s filament for signs of singeing or cracking. This can be an initial indicator of a burnt-out igniter.

Step 2: Gather Tools: Ensure you have the necessary tools: a multimeter with both analog and digital models.

Step 3: Prepare the Multimeter (Analog Model)

  • Rotate the range selection dial to the lowest setting for ohms of resistance.
  • Calibrate the meter by pinching the probes together while adjusting the needle to read zero.

Step 4: Prepare the Multimeter (Digital Model): Rotate the dial to the lowest setting for ohms of resistance or resistance with a tone if available on your meter.

Step 5: Safety Precautions

  • Ensure the igniter you’re testing has been removed or isolated from the dryer.
  • Avoid touching the filament directly.

Step 6: Test for Continuity

  • Use one probe from the multimeter to touch one of the igniter’s terminals.
  • Use the second probe to touch the other terminal.

Step 7: Interpret the Reading

  • If the multimeter reading shows a result between fifty and four hundred ohms of resistance, the igniter has continuity, indicating it should be functioning properly.
  • Note that the high resistance of the igniter may prevent the meter from producing a tone.

Step 8: No Continuity Result

  • If the multimeter’s needle does not move (analog model) or the digital display does not change significantly (digital model), there is no continuity.
  • No continuity means the igniter is burned out and needs to be replaced.


Are all dryer igniters the same, or do they vary in size and shape?

Dryer igniters come in various shapes and sizes, but they can all be tested for continuity in the same way, regardless of their physical appearance.

How do I prepare my multimeter for the continuity test?

For an analog multimeter, set the range selection dial to the lowest setting for ohms of resistance and calibrate it to read zero by pinching the probes together. For a digital multimeter, select the lowest setting for ohms of resistance or resistance with tone if available.

What safety precautions should I take when testing a dryer igniter?

Ensure the igniter is removed or isolated from the dryer to avoid electrical contact. Additionally, be cautious not to touch the igniter’s filament directly.

What does the multimeter reading indicate during the continuity test?

A multimeter reading between fifty and four hundred ohms of resistance suggests that the igniter has continuity, indicating it should be functioning properly. If there is no change in the reading, it means there is no continuity, indicating a burnt-out igniter.

What if my multimeter doesn’t produce a tone during the test?

Some multimeters may not produce a tone due to the high resistance of the igniter. In such cases, you should rely on the resistance reading to determine continuity.

If the igniter has no continuity, what should I do next?

If the continuity test indicates no continuity, it means the igniter is burned out and needs to be replaced. Contact a professional technician or follow your appliance’s user manual for guidance on replacement.


The replacement of a Samsung gas dryer igniter is a critical maintenance task to ensure the efficient and safe operation of your dryer. By visually inspecting for signs of damage and performing a continuity test, you can accurately diagnose the igniter’s condition. If it lacks continuity, indicating a burnt-out igniter, timely replacement is essential to restore your dryer’s heating capability. Remember to follow safety precautions and use the appropriate tools when conducting these tests, and always refer to your appliance’s user manual or seek professional assistance if needed. With a functional igniter, your Samsung gas dryer will continue to provide reliable and effective drying performance.

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